Picking a white paint for your home seems like one of the easiest things that you can do. Until you have to do it… and you realise that there are thousand’s of options and they all start to look the same.
If you’re wanting to add a bit of art deco glamour to your home and looking for a bit of inspiration, then look no further than The Orient Express.
While many of the cabinetry finishes may look quite similar when we’re researching options online, there are some major differences in how they’re made and how they perform.
With us all spending more time than usual at home, I found it concerning when I recently learned that the concentration of VOC’s (as a measure of air quality) inside our homes is consistently higher than outside (often up to 10 times higher).
If you have a room in your home that has ticked all the functional boxes but still doesn’t create the right mood, then lighting might be the missing element that you’ve overlooked.
It sounds a bit dramatic I know… but hear me out. I’ve been on a long journey to figure out exactly how I can add the most value to projects I work on and I think I’ve figured it out…